
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Insurance benefits who did not know - what you missed

Health insurance is a word to include the form of insurance that helps pay medical expenses must be primarily to describe disability or long-term care or nursing care ... You can buy in a group or as an individual client. The health systems in the U.S. health insurance is mainly private and non-profit that covers most Americans. About 84% of Americans have health insurance, get 60% by the employer, and 7%, to obtain directly.
The main source of coverage for older and low-income children through public programs


In the U.S., Medicare provides health insurance for large employers and their dependents. It also provides health insurance for the disabled, temporarily or permanently, and also for patients with end-stage renal disease .. Recent research suggests that the previously insured adults with chronic problems improved when they enter the Medicare problem
Medicare expands the opportunities for health care for all beneficiaries.


Medicaid is mainly for the very poor people ... Percentage of U.S. citizens without health insurance have increased since 1994 .. In addition, the number of doctors accept Medicaid is also reduced in recent times due to high costs and low reimbursement

State Children's Health Insurance Program for Children's Health (SCHIP)

SCHIP is a joint State / Federal, which provides health insurance for children from families who earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid but can not afford to buy private insurance

Military Health Benefits

This information is provided to members on active duty, retired service members and their families are available ... is provided by the Department for military health care available

Federal employee benefit plan of Health (FEHBP)

In addition to Medicare and Medicaid, the benefits package of health services plan benefits for federal employees

Types of insurance:

First Traditional, or without paying for the service
Second Blue Cross & Blue Shield plans
Third Health Maintenance Organizations
4th Managed Care

Non-medical types of insurance:

First Disability
Second Long-term care insurance

Additional coverage:

Private insurers offer coverage to additional markets in both groups and individuals ... Its purpose is to help with unexpected expenses and more peace in the minds of insurers

You should first and foremost:

First Supplement a primary medical expense plan by paying the costs that are excluded or subjected to large plans cost-sharing requirements
Second Cover expenses, such as vision and dental care
Third Help for the additional costs associated with illness or injury associated